Thursday, January 2, 2020

02 September 2022, Hessen, Frankfurt Main: Ursula Heerwig 87, a resident of the Anlagenring retirement and nursing home, sits on the bed in her room with a tablet computer For many, having the Internet within their own four walls is as much a part of living as having electricity and water. But in Hesse's retirement and nursing homes, routers are few and far between. to dpa "Own Internet access for nursing home residents thin on the ground" Photo: Arne Dedert dpa Stock Photo

During our inspection we found that the provider had met the areas of non-compliance from the previous inspection in May 2013. There were systems in place for assessing and monitoring the quality of the service provided. We saw that audits completed regularly by the manager covered most aspects of the service provided. However, these audits had not identified the shortfalls we found during this inspection.

It is an annual review prepared by CQC after examining previous reports and information from the provider. At the time of this report, CQC judged the service to be Good. Both people confirmed staff asked them for verbal consent before providing treatment and personal care. Safeguarding procedures were robust and members of staff understood their role in safeguarding vulnerable people from harm. Staff said they would report poor practice and felt confident that the registered manager would take appropriate action. We found that recruitment procedures were thorough and protected people from the employment of unsuitable staff.

Hurstead House Nursing Home

People who used the service and the visitors we asked told us that Braeside Care Home was a safe place to live and they were well looked after. Staffing levels were sufficient to meet the needs of people who used the service. There was a good induction for new staff and training was on-going.

braeside nursing home rochdale cqc

Information within the care files was person-centred and included people’s preferences and background information. There were some activities on offer, but some people were left with no meaningful occupation through the day. – the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. The Scottish Care Inspectorate is the official regulator for care services in Scotland. The inspector made no statutory requirements on the home as a result of this inspection and there were no outstanding actions from the previous inspection report.

Guidance for providers

The people we spoke with told us they felt there were enough staff around and that the staff were friendly and helpful. They told us that they had no concerns about the care they received and would speak to the Registered Manager if they had any concerns or complaints. We saw that systems were in place for the registered manager to monitor the quality and safety of the care provided.

braeside nursing home rochdale cqc

We’ll research on your behalf and find you the right care, at the right cost - turning stress into straightforward. Leisure activities were routinely organised at the home. The activities coordinator said, “We play cards and bingo, and make cards. I take people out for a walk and to the local garden centre.” We also saw that one person was given a hand massage and manicure and others were assisted with drawing.

Care 4 U Home Care Agency Limited

In claiming this listing, you are confirming that this service belongs to you and you agree to only upload true and accurate information. For extracts, read the latest CQC inspection for Braeside Care Home. Braeside Care Home provides Nursing, Dementia, and Residential care.

braeside nursing home rochdale cqc

Harelands House Samson Street, Belfield, Rochdale, OL16 2XW ★★★☆ Harelands House is a small care residence located in Rochdale, with a capacity of five. The home cares for and supports younger and elderly adults with physical disabilities. Additionally, the residency is able to support people with dementia and learning disabilities.

Further Details:

Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. You can only use this image in editorial media and for personal use. Editorial media includes use as a visual reference to support your article, story, critique or educational text. Personal use allows you to make a single personal print, card or gift for non-commercial use. Choosing care has been ranked one of life’s most stressful events. That’s why Care Concierge’s care experts will act as your personal care consultants.

One visitor told us that a member of staff read to their relative. Members of staff told us they liked working at the home and found the registered manager approachable and supportive. People were registered with a GP and had access to a full range of other health and social care professionals. The service was working within the legal requirements of the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards . Care files included a range of information relating to health and well-being. However, some specific care plans and monitoring charts had not been completed.

Care homes nearby

To qualify, you must first arrange a care needs assessment. Sorry, we don't have prices for this care home - please contact the care home for more details. Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission of the copyright holders. Leisure activities were routinely organised within the home.

braeside nursing home rochdale cqc

The inspection took place on 30 January 2018 and was unannounced. The last inspection was carried out in April 2015 when the service was rated as Good. If you are looking for care, if you think a family member needs support, or if you want to know what services are available for carers, find the information you need in the pages below. We spoke with two visitors who were visiting a friend on the day of inspection.

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